Sunday, March 22, 2009

SACRED SPACE | Divine Composition

(Extracts from interviews given by A R Rahman between the years 1999
and 2004.)

I am like a boat without an oar. I let life take its own course. I know only my work and God. I pray a lot. You get dejected if you plan something and it does not happen. But if you just let life take its course....?

Any great love song, when attributed to a divine source, gets an extra dimension. People say any love that is immortal is divine love... The inspiration, therefore, is a divine one...

No one can be completely original, because the notes are already there. I do a lot of fusion from different traditions including Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, reggae, rock and Carnatic music my favourites. As far as possible, i try to be original. The rest is up to Allah.

We have to push ourselves in any field, whether we like it or not. It is just the question of your mindset. We need to adjust and look into our own selves. The moment you have this attitude that whatever you do is the best, you will cease to grow or for that matter experiment, which is very necessary for creation. I mainly work by instinct.

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